There is a ton of data here... so its ok if it doesn't all make sense.
For event data see the original post:
Some of it is tied into the August event, some are just overall changes. see the event thread for more details on that.
Doing kind of a data dump here due to the amount of changes we are talking about... I will add a commentary later..
Quick Notes
- Jugg X and Vanguard are next to hit retro lab
- LOTs of map data changes, I didn't provide the details as most are useless outside of game mechanics.
Processing : blueprints
Item: Torpedo Platform assetid from( to 1520)
Item: Vanguard nextRetrofitId from( to 1012028)
Item: Juggernaut X nextRetrofitId from( to 1014063)
New Records:
v188.v39734, Cryo Launcher D104-C(1334)
v188.v39734, Cryo Launcher D104-F(1335)
v188.v39734, Cryo Launcher D104-S(1336)
v188.v39734, D104 Endothermic Reaction(1337)
v188.v39734, Blizzard Cryo Turret(1339)
v188.v39734, Drac Depth Charge Turret(1340)
v188.v39734, Bypass Missile Turret(1341)
v188.v39734, Draconian Coaxial Turret(1342)
v188.v39734, Strike Missile D51-Z(1343)
v188.v39734, Assault Missile D53-Z(1344)
v188.v39734, Siege Missile D55-Z(1345)
v188.v39734, Vortex Torpedoes D61-Z(1346)
v188.v39734, Achilles Missile D55-B(1348) "Reverse engineering of the Bypass Module led to the creation of these Draconian missiles that ignore a percentage of damage resistance on impact."
v188.v39734, Micro-Pinch Warhead(1349) "Causes a very short stun."
v188.v39734, Cryo Field Debuff Applier(1350)
v188.v39734, Torpedo Platform Thermal(1521)
v188.v39734, Compound Plate X(3900)
v188.v39734, Compound Panel X(3901)
v188.v39734, Kodiak(4083) "This new breed of Draconian Dreadnought can survive considerable damage while devastating targets with rapid missile barrages."
v188.v39734, Fire-Support Dreadnought(4084)
v188.v39734, Cryo Torp Cruiser(4085)
v188.v39734, Missile Torp Cruiser(4086)
v188.v39734, Cryo Mine(4087)
v188.v39734, Savage Kodiak(6014) "Randomly launch micro-pinch<br>warheads in place of missiles."
"A cutting edge flagship variant of the Kodiak that increases fleet firepower and randomly enhances missile barrages with micro-pinch warheads."
Processing : tacmodules
New Records:
v188.v39734, Cryo Zone(7507)
v188.v39734, Kodiak Missile Field(7508)
v188.v39734, Mine Field(7509)
Processing : mapobjects
Item: draconian base overridealliance from( to 1)
Item: DCS outpost overridealliance from( to 1)
Item: Operations Hub overridealliance from( to 1)
Item: Military Outpost typename from(milout to MilOut) overridealliance from( to 1)
Item: World map Fleets for Arctic theme eventkey from(arctic_drac to arctic_fleet) eventtype from( to storm) levels from( to 21222324252627282930) overridealliance from( to 1)
Item: Campaign bases for Arctic theme fieldwidth from(7000 to 5000) fieldheight from(4500 to 4400) eventkey from(arctic_drac to arctic_base) eventtype from( to storm) overridealliance from( to 1)
Item: Left Defense Outpost overridealliance from( to 1)
Item: Right Defense Outpost overridealliance from( to 1)
New Records:
v188.v39734, (39)
Processing : structuredata
Item: Outpost **TONS OF CHANGES**
Item: Warehouse **TONS OF CHANGES**
Item: Weapons Lab **TONS OF CHANGES**
Item: Naval Lab **TONS OF CHANGES**
Item: Advanced Lab **TONS OF CHANGES**
Item: Intelligence Lab **TONS OF CHANGES**
Item: Defense Platform **TONS OF CHANGES**
Item: Oil Rig **TONS OF CHANGES**
Item: Metal Foundry **TONS OF CHANGES**
Item: Wind Turbine **TONS OF CHANGES**
Item: Zynthium Refinery **TONS OF CHANGES**
Item: Draconian Defense Platform specialslots from(1 to 3)
Item: Draconian Quad Defense Platform specialslots from(1 to 3)
New Records:
v188.v39734, Follow AI Tile(36)
v188.v39734, PathThru AI Tile(37)
v188.v39734, Ice Wall(770)
v188.v39734, Ice Wall(771)
v188.v39734, Ice Wall(772)
String Changes:
"campaign_100_description": "Attack the outer defenses of an Arctic Draconian Installation to raid and gather recon for further attacks.",
"campaign_100_details": "Unlocks at 50,000 25,000 Event Points.",
"campaign_100_encounter_arctic_base_level_1_description": "The Combat Relay drops your fleet in the frozen ice flows of the northern sectors. Draconian patrols spot you immediately. Destroy the <font color='#COLOR_KEY_BODY#'> PRIORITY TARGETS.</font>",
"campaign_100_encounter_arctic_base_level_1_title": "Encounter 1 - Outer Patrol",
"campaign_100_encounter_arctic_base_level_2_description": "Nearing the edge of a massive Draconian Fortress, your combat system picks up <font color='#COLOR_KEY_BODY#'> PRIORITY TARGETS</font>. Destroy them to weaken the Installation's defenses.",
"campaign_100_encounter_arctic_base_level_2_title": "Encounter 2 - Cracking the Ice",
"campaign_100_encounter_arctic_base_level_3_description": "The outer defenses are bristling with cutting edge defense technology. Destroy <font color='#COLOR_KEY_BODY#'> PRIORITY TARGETS</font> and use sonar to detect submerged Cryo-Mines.",
"campaign_100_encounter_arctic_base_level_3_title": "Encounter 3 - Outer Defenses",
"campaign_100_encounter_arctic_base_level_4_description": "Pushing further into the Installation reveals a massive Zynthium mining effort. Destroy the <font color='#COLOR_KEY_BODY#'> PRIORITY TARGETS</font> to weaken the Draconians and continue.",
"campaign_100_encounter_arctic_base_level_4_title": "Encounter 4 - In the Channel",
"campaign_100_encounter_arctic_base_level_5_description": "Scanning the inner gates reveals dangerous levels of energy beyond this point. Destroy <font color='#COLOR_KEY_BODY#'> PRIORITY TARGETS</font> and return later for the final push.",
"campaign_100_encounter_arctic_base_level_5_title": "Encounter 5 - Gate Recon",
"campaign_100_encounter_arctic_base_level_99_description": "Check out this frozen land!",
"campaign_100_encounter_arctic_base_level_99_title": "Test Encounter",
"campaign_101_description": "Infiltrate the outer defenses and strike deep into the heart of a Draconian Arctic Base. ",
"campaign_101_details": "Unlocks upon completing Snowblind Recon.",
"campaign_101_encounter_arctic_base_level_11_description": "The Combat Relay drops your fleet in the frozen ice flows of the northern sectors. Draconian patrols spot you immediately. Destroy the <font color='#COLOR_KEY_BODY#'> PRIORITY TARGETS</font>.",
"campaign_101_encounter_arctic_base_level_11_title": "Encounter 1 - Outer Patrol",
"campaign_101_encounter_arctic_base_level_12_description": "Nearing the edge of a massive Draconian Fortress, your combat system picks up <font color='#COLOR_KEY_BODY#'> PRIORITY TARGETS</font>. Destroy them to weaken the Installation's defenses.",
"campaign_101_encounter_arctic_base_level_12_title": "Encounter 2 - Cracking the Ice",
"campaign_101_encounter_arctic_base_level_13_description": "The outer defenses are bristling with cutting edge defense technology. Destroy <font color='#COLOR_KEY_BODY#'> PRIORITY TARGETS</font> and use sonar to detect submerged Cryo-Mines.",
"campaign_101_encounter_arctic_base_level_13_title": "Encounter 3 - Outer Defenses",
"campaign_101_encounter_arctic_base_level_14_description": "Pushing further into the Installation reveals a massive Zynthium mining effort. Destroy the <font color='#COLOR_KEY_BODY#'> PRIORITY TARGETS</font> to weaken the Draconians and continue.",
"campaign_101_encounter_arctic_base_level_14_title": "Encounter 4 - In the Channel",
"campaign_101_encounter_arctic_base_level_15_description": "You can now push through the inner gates to enter the central processing area. Destroy <font color='#COLOR_KEY_BODY#'> PRIORITY TARGETS</font> to breach the gate and infiltrate further.",
"campaign_101_encounter_arctic_base_level_15_title": "Encounter 5 - Crash the Gate",
"campaign_101_encounter_arctic_base_level_16_description": "Beyond the inner gates your fleets are met with overwhelming resistance. Endure the gauntlet while destroying <font color='#COLOR_KEY_BODY#'> PRIORITY TARGETS</font> to continue.",
"campaign_101_encounter_arctic_base_level_16_title": "Encounter 6 - Final Resistance",
"campaign_101_encounter_arctic_base_level_17_description": "The central processing area is heavily guarded with powerful fleets and defense turrets. Destroy all <font color='#COLOR_KEY_BODY#'> PRIORITY TARGETS</font> to shut down the Installation.",
"campaign_101_encounter_arctic_base_level_17_title": "Encounter 7 - Shut It Down",
"campaign_101_encounter_arctic_base_level_1_description": "Fight",
"campaign_101_encounter_arctic_base_level_1_title": "arctic_base",
"campaign_101_encounter_arctic_base_level_2_description": "Fight",
"campaign_101_encounter_arctic_base_level_2_title": "arctic_base",
"campaign_101_encounter_arctic_base_level_3_description": "Fight",
"campaign_101_encounter_arctic_base_level_3_title": "arctic_base",
"campaign_101_encounter_arctic_base_level_4_description": "Fight",
"campaign_101_encounter_arctic_base_level_4_title": "arctic_base",
"campaign_101_encounter_arctic_base_level_5_description": "Fight",
"campaign_101_encounter_arctic_base_level_5_title": "arctic_base",
"campaign_101_encounter_arctic_base_level_6_description": "Fight",
"campaign_101_encounter_arctic_base_level_6_title": "arctic_base",
"campaign_101_encounter_arctic_base_level_7_description": "Fight",
"campaign_101_encounter_arctic_base_level_7_title": "arctic_base",
"raid_unlockable_btn_details": "Details",
"raid_unlockable_campaign_button_label": "Enter Campaign",
"raid_unlockable_campaign_prize_locked": "Complete Phase 3 to unlock.",
"raid_unlockable_complete_phase_1_message": "Congratulations, Captain. You've gathered enough data to pinpoint the Draconian Arctic Installation. Activate the 'Snowblind Recon' Campaign to continue your journey.",
"raid_unlockable_complete_phase_1_title": "Phase 1 Complete",
"raid_unlockable_complete_phase_2_message": "Congratulations, Captain. You've completed the 'Snowblind Recon' Campaign. Activate the 'Snowblind Siege' Campaign to continue your journey. ('Snowblind Recon' is still available to replay for additional points.)",
"raid_unlockable_complete_phase_2_title": "Phase 2 Complete",
"raid_unlockable_complete_phase_3_message": "Well done, Captain. You've completed the 'Snowblind Siege' Campaign and unlocked the Savage Kodiak for purchase. (Both Snowblind Campaigns are available for replay for additional points.)",
"raid_unlockable_complete_phase_3_title": "Phase 3 Complete",
"raid_unlockable_cost_label": "Cost:",
"raid_unlockable_featured_tier_label": "Featured",
"raid_unlockable_next_uranium_bonus_label": "Next Uranium Bonus",
"raid_unlockable_phase_1_combat_complete": "Phase 2 Unlocked",
"raid_unlockable_phase_1_complete": "Continue destroying fleets for points.",
"raid_unlockable_phase_1_prize": "Unlocks Phase 2",
"raid_unlockable_phase_1_progress": "Destroy Arctic Fleets",
"raid_unlockable_phase_2_combat_complete": "Bonus Rewards Earned",
"raid_unlockable_phase_2_complete": "Continue playing 'Snowblind Recon' for points.",
"raid_unlockable_phase_2_locked": "Complete Phase 1 to Unlock.",
"raid_unlockable_phase_2_prize": "750,000 pts\n+Unlocks Phase 3",
"raid_unlockable_phase_2_progress": "Complete 'Snowblind Recon' in Campaigns.",
"raid_unlockable_phase_3_combat_complete": "Bonus Rewards Earned",
"raid_unlockable_phase_3_complete": "Savage Kodiak Available for Purchase.",
"raid_unlockable_phase_3_locked": "Complete Phase 2 to Unlock",
"raid_unlockable_phase_3_prize": "2,250,000 pts\n+Savage Kodiak Unlocked",
"raid_unlockable_phase_3_progress": "Complete 'Snowblind Siege' in Campaigns.",
"raid_unlockable_phase_combat_progress": "Phase #phase# Progress",
"raid_unlockable_phase_point_progress": "#points# / #total#",
"raid_unlockable_phase_prefix": "Phase #phase#:",
"raid_unlockable_phase_title_1": "Retrieve Data",
"raid_unlockable_phase_title_2": "Snowblind Recon",
"raid_unlockable_phase_title_3": "Snowblind Siege",
"raid_unlockable_purchase_tier_tab": "Tier #tierIndex#",
"raid_unlockable_reward_label": "Reward:",
"raid_unlockable_time_left_label": "Time left:",
"sector_influence_hud_coords_title": "Coords: #gridx# x #gridy#",
"sector_influence_hud_sector_title": "SECTOR: #sector#",
"sector_influence_hud_tooltip": "Sector #sector# is controlled by:<br>#alliance_name# [#alliance_acronym#]<br>Click to see more info",
"sector_influence_hud_tooltip_drac": "Sector #sector# is controlled by:<br>Draconian forces<br>Click to see more info",
"sector_influence_hud_world_title": "World: #world#",
"sector_influence_popup_alliance_name": "#name# [#acronym#]",
"sector_influence_popup_description": "Earn Alliance Points to increase your Alliance's sector rank. Destroy a Draconian base to decrease the Draconian's influence in that sector.",
"sector_influence_popup_draconian_forces": "Draconian forces",
"sector_influence_popup_header": "Overview",
"sector_influence_popup_sector": "Sector #sector# leader",
"sector_influence_popup_title": "Sector Influence",
"sector_influence_hud_coords_title": "Coords: #gridx# x #gridy#",
"sector_influence_hud_sector_title": "SECTOR: #sector#",
"sector_influence_hud_tooltip": "Sector #sector# is controlled by:<br>#alliance_name# [#alliance_acronym#]<br>Click to see more info",
"sector_influence_hud_tooltip_drac": "Sector #sector# is controlled by:<br>Draconian forces<br>Click to see more info",
"sector_influence_hud_world_title": "World: #world#",
"sector_influence_popup_alliance_name": "#name# [#acronym#]",
"sector_influence_popup_description": "Earn Alliance Points to increase your Alliance's sector rank. Destroy a Draconian base to decrease the Draconian's influence in that sector.",
"sector_influence_popup_draconian_forces": "Draconian forces",
"sector_influence_popup_header": "Overview",
"sector_influence_popup_sector": "Sector #sector# leader",
"sector_influence_popup_title": "Sector Influence",
"whatsnew_1140_message": "Establish your Alliance and keep the Draconians at bay. Earn Alliance points and be showcased on the World Map as a top Sector Influencer. Follow up by ridding your sector of the Dracs.",
"whatsnew_1140_title": "Take Command",
"whatsnew_1141_message": "Captain, the Vanguard and Juggernaut X are now available in your Retrofit Lab. Upgrade and hit the World Map with these enhanced hulls.",
"whatsnew_1141_title": "From Stem to Stern",
"whatsnew_1140_title": "Take Command",
"whatsnew_1141_message": "Captain, the Vanguard and Juggernaut X are now available in your Retrofit Lab. Upgrade and hit the World Map with these enhanced hulls.",
"whatsnew_1141_title": "From Stem to Stern",
Nice work, any clue on what the retro stats will be on Vanguard and Jugg X?
ReplyDeletePreliminary info is there, but at this point the full stats are not available unfortunately.