2015-01-06 - Initial Posting
2015-01-08 - Added new gear images..
2015-01-10 - Added new gear prelim specs & event file data dump
2015-01-15 - Update for hellhound build time, cut back a few days..
Processing : blueprints
Changes: Item: Hellhound (5135)
- Build Time : : from (13d 22h 34m 58s (With Officer 12d 13h 7m 28s) to 11d 13h 42m 13s (With Officer 10d 9h 55m 59s))
We will be updating this as information develops.
Upcoming Event: 109 Name: Hellgate
Event runs from 2015-01-15 17:00:00 to 2015-01-19 17:00:00 UTC
Event runs from 2015-01-15 09:00:00 to 2015-01-19 09:00:00 PST
Prize Type: quota_unlockable
- Lab Level Required : 1
- Oil : 23,079,530
- Energy : 19,617,601
- Metal : 21,925,554
- Zynthium : 20,771,577
- Build Time : 13d 22h 34m 58s (With Officer 12d 13h 7m 28s)
- Level/Retrofit Level : 1
- Faction : reaver
- Wall Damage Bonus : 200%
- Type : Hull
- Category : blueprint
- Building Damage Bonus : 200%
- Armor : 6,986
- Penetrative Defense : 40%
- Explosive Defense bonus : 40%
- Ballistic Defense Bonus : 40%
- Radiological Defence Bonus : 50%
- Armor Slots : 6
- Repair Modifier : 150%
- Total Weapon Slots : 9
- Refitable : Y
- Turn Speed : 12
- Weapon Slot Types : 9 x Surface
- Maximum VXP : 38,885
- Special Slots : 4
- Salvage : 4,407,210t
- Evade Bonus : 10%
- Combat Speed : 14.00
- Maximum Weight : 7,996
- Map Speed : 25
- Splash Bonus : 40%
- Slow Resistance : 70%
- Tactical Field Resistance : 50%
- Stun Disables : Yes
- Slow Resistnace : 70%
- Projectile Speed : 30%
- Blueprint Capacity(max # owned) : 1
- Turret Defence : 30%
- Thrower Damage Bonus : 80% Ship secondary Bonuses:
- Item Groups : hound1
- Tactical Range : 1800000
- Faction : reaver
- Level : 1
- Affects Ships : Yes
- Category : npc
- Max items per group equipped : 1
- Speed Bonus : 10%
- Is Aura Invisible : Yes
- Resonance Battery ignores : Yes
- Explosive Defense bonus : 10%
- Penetrative Defense : 10%
- Ballistic Defense Bonus : 10%
- Radiological Defence Bonus : 10%
- Concussive Aura Defense : 10%
- Is Berserker Effect : Yes
- Active Duration : 9s
- Damage to activate : 1,500
- Stun Disables : Yes
- Range Modified Tactical Field : Yes
- Type : m
- Thrower Damage Bonus(CONFIRM) : 10%
- Max Grouped Fields(CONFIRM) : 4
- Item Groups : houndmax1
- Tactical Range : 1800000
- Faction : reaver
- Level : 1
- Affects Ships : Yes
- Category : npc
- Max items per group equipped : 1
- Is Aura Invisible : Yes
- Resonance Battery ignores : Yes
- Is Berserker Effect : Yes
- Active Duration : 9s
- Damage to activate : 1,500
- Stun Disables : Yes
- Range Modified Tactical Field : Yes
- Type : m
- Max Grouped Fields(CONFIRM) : 4
- **** Unknown key immuneccaura : 1
- Min Stacked to activate field : 4

Item Name: Hellhound Stacking Field (reaver)
Item Name: Magma Thrower (reaver)
- Lab Level Required : 1
- Reload : 8.00
- Oil : 150,000
- Energy : 120,000
- Metal : 120,000
- Zynthium : 300,000
- Build Time : 2h 21m 40s (With Officer 2h 7m 30s)
- Hits Walls : Yes
- Mounts on : ship
- Weight : 320
- Type : radioactive
- Range : 80
- UI Filter Type : thrower
- Damage : 2,654
- Admin : Yes
- Level/Retrofit Level : 1
- Faction : reaver
- Weapon slot Type : Surface
- Wall Damage Bonus : 200%
- Type : Weapon
- Category : blueprint
- Building Damage Bonus : 200%
- Salvo : 25
- Accuracy : 100%
- Weapon Type : thrower
- Projectile Speed(raw) : 300.00
- Salvo Reload : 0.20
- Minimum Splash : 10%
- Splash : 24
- Spread : 20
- Duration of death weapon : 2s
- Pierce Damage Decay : 0%
- Fire Windup : Yes
- Attack Duration : 5s
- Minimum Splash Radius (RAW??) : 30
- Chase Speed : 35
- Chase Range (Need to determine what this is used for) : 10 Death Weapon:
- Lab Level Required : 1
- Reload : 10.00
- Oil : 60,642,868
- Energy : 57,004,296
- Metal : 58,823,582
- Zynthium : 55,185,010
- Build Time : 5d 22h 11m 12s (With Officer 5d 7h 58m 4s)
- Mounts on : ship
- Type : explosive
- Range : 60
- UI Filter Type : mortar
- Damage : 1,600
- Level/Retrofit Level : 1
- Faction : reaver
- Wall Damage Bonus : 100%
- Type : Weapon
- Category : npc
- Building Damage Bonus : 100%
- Salvo : 1
- Accuracy : 100%
- Weapon Type : mortar
- Vertical Speed(raw) : -170.00
- Projectile Speed(raw) : 42.00
- Splash : 20
- Spread : 100
- Is Mortar : Yes
- Radiological Damage Bonus : 35%
- Region Duration(Region details below) : 8 Seconds Effect Region Stats:
- Item Groups : BurningWater
- Tactical Range : 22
- Level : 3
- Affects Buildings : Yes
- Affects Turrets : Yes
- Affects Ships : Yes
- Category : npc
- Hostile Effects : Yes
- Max items per group equipped : 1
- Radiological Damage : 100
- Type : m

Item Name: Inferno Rocket Explosion (reaver)
Item Name: Burning Water Zone
Raid Teasers:
- While the Forsaken and Draconians have been fighting in the northern seas, the Reavers have been re-building their forces. A new war is coming. Are you ready for the gauntlet of fire? Hellgate begins 1/15. RSVP now. (raid_leadin_body_1)
- The Reavers’ fiery technologies decimated some of our forces in the last battle, but it’s time to fight back. Armed with our blueprints from the Draconian vaults, our fleets have never been stronger. Attack now and claim the Hellhound and Magma Thrower for your own. Hellgate begins 1/15. RSVP now. (raid_leadin_body_2)
- This is only the beginning of our push against the Reavers. Prepare to take down their front line and hurt them where it counts. Bring back the Magma Thrower and let’s build our fleets of fire and ice. Time to reclaim the sea, Captain! Hellgate begins in less than 24 hours. RSVP now.
HOw do u guys find the leadins?
ReplyDeleteinfo is in the game datafiles, just know where to look after messing around for a while. This could all change as there is nothing saying they have to upload them prior to their use.
DeleteCould "Chase Range" possible be how far beyond the weapons normal range that it will continue to fire if a target comes into, then leaves firing range?
ReplyDeleteEntirely possible.. we will see as we get closer
DeleteNuke Trogar comfirmed that the hull is not limited (Oh Yea) https://www.kixeye.com/forum/discussion/520696 Its like in the half of the page
ReplyDeleteCool thanks for finding that, it was buried... The stats above are preliminary and subject to change, after the update Tuesday i'll compare and see what changes if any have been implemented.
DeleteNp man good job 1 question how the hell do you find this info ,can you teach me how :P ?
DeleteNuke whats your opinion on the new hull + weapon i think it will beat launchers but needs a bit more range maybe 5 more range for the wep
ReplyDeleteIm doing some calculations To see what can be built whit this
DeleteEnough to fit 5 in an lvl 11 dock if i did my math good
DeleteWeapons : 9 x Magma Thrower = 23886 Damage Damage On hull (Bonus included) = 42994.8 9 Magmas Throwers =2880 Weight
Armour 6 x D2-E = 4500 Armour Weight = 1002
Specials : Strike System 3 Guidance Scrambler 3 High Explosive shells 3 D5-x
Evade = 10 % (base) + 40 % (GS3) + 45 % (Armour)
Weight =3283.2 (Weapon total ) +1082.16 (armour total) = 5427.015552 T
The evade is 70.3 %
DeleteCorrection u can fit 5 in an lvl 10 dock if my calculations are correct
DeleteNice, curious what the build time will be... lets see if they bump up the magma thrower build time.
DeleteTy Lost my mind calculating on google and putting info into notepad lol and switching huggys for data lol
DeleteBy the way can you teach me how can i get this info as you or is there an video tutorial u can put the link ?
DeleteNo tutorials for this... a lot of R&D :)
DeleteSome data (Strings etc) you can pull from the .xml and .json files the client requests from the webserver, other parts are hidden in the game file itself.
If/when we pack up we may release the code for it, but at present it's not something we are comfortable distributing... They have the option to change how things are done, we don't want to push them to that point :)
K i understand ,keep up the good work mate
DeleteThanks, and we have made almost all data (minus the unreleased stuff) available on thedarkalliance page, so if there is something specific you're looking for head over there :)
DeleteSir could you give me an link ? Is it on fb or something else ?
DeleteLinked off of the Other BP Links section on the right hand side.
DeleteIs this not a new weapon type (thrower) in which case specials like High Explosive Shells won't work with it?
DeleteYou are correct, it is still a radioactive class weapon, so in theory radioactive specials should work with it.
DeleteThe weapon has splash as far we know all weapons that have splash can have more splash whit specials so i think it will work but we will see
DeleteEvade is off by an bit its 66. 17 %
Deleteleo, some of this stuff would be great to discuss on the dark alliance forums. Easier to handle threads there and less likely to get lost as time passes :)
DeleteAny news on the R10 that will come after the raid?
ReplyDeleteLimited, when we're comfortable with the information we get there will be a post on it . Stay Tuned.
Deleteit doesn't say anything about prize list?
ReplyDeleteI think Kix got tired of us leaking that early and so it is rarely in the files early anymore. Some times not until the morning of. It also gives Robot a chance to officially get it out there before us now.
DeleteUnfortunately xnih is right.. After the snafu where they released it on Friday the week before they have been more uptight :)
Delete25 per salvo, with a .2 reload? may as well just say constant firing
ReplyDeletedid you see what the reaver map targets last raid? lol