Thursday, November 21, 2013

The new enemy....

The new faction on the block is "Reaver".  Any bets on if they are the ones from Firefly?

Not seeing any other new data at this time.


  1. New faction or new drac leader? If it is a new faction in the fullest sense of the words then that is probably the biggest thing to happen in this game in a long long time

    1. Other faction is Draconian in the files, this showed as a faction also. Not sure if it will ultimately just be a new leader, but it does claim faction!

    2. Wow.... well that would certainly shake things up! Thanks for the info as always :)

    3. Shadow pic of new ship, looks very "Reaverish"

    4. The doom turkey? Yea it was posted on the Kixeye forums. They are actually putting out teasers for once. XD

  2. Update this tuesday is probably new walls.

  3. Where are you finding these files?

    1. Files sent down to every machine when you load the game. Just takes knowing what files to look at, comparing existing to old, etc, etc.


    what is this!!! looks like a bird lol
    Forsaken Captains in all sectors have reported spotting unidentified craft on the horizon.
    All Captains are advised to use caution while traveling the seas.

  5. Hey Xnih, got any new info for us?

    1. Nothing new as of about 20 mins ago. I'll check again in the morning, but anymore they normally don't put anything out until early Wed.

    2. Indeed, there's only one downtime this week with it being a holiday week in the USA and the downtime is scheduled to be Tuesday at 9am PST (5pm GMT) so i'll be expecting to see something update related when I get back from work.... whether it's these level 6 walls or not I don't know.

    3. Nothing new as of right now and I'll be at work until late tonight, so unless my partner in crime provides details during the day, I won't have anything posted until later tonight (assuming they add anything)

    4. Well from what i am seeing they have dropped the res big time on drac artil (16 mil now), how are we to get res now? They ask for stupid amounts to play the game and give us nothing. It takes about 12/13 mil in zynth alone to repair my Interdic flt now i have Torp B on them and they bring in nothing. With walls and retro lab i will be salving all day, every day to keep up. I can't hit bases all day as i have to repair them and we all know how long repair times are.
      Now i'm hearing that this new faction will be hitting us with new weapons and we need to re-armour our ships with the new crap. Something needs to be done, i spend over 1500 coin a week and they want more, they will get none soon as i will be leaving game.

    5. They are bumping up res on 47 and under targets in the missions. (Source is the latest patch notes.) and points on the 27 and under.

    6. Wow you aren't kidding. I used to take the Arty, 2 quads, 2 torps and the ships for 38mil (76 and change for both), just did both for only 19 mil. Guess that cash cow is dead! No more giving res away to others for awhile.

    7. This may be unintended change based on forums. Who knows. I did't have the issue after the update until a few hours later. So may have had to do with bases getting hit and then reset. Anyway, for now, expect less res off artys!

    8. Well sometime after I posted that yesterday kixeye finally filled their moderators in on it and said it was as designed to "rebalance" the res game. Ok, so be it, moving on. Back to Rimming bases that have res again (take my easy res how I can) like I was a newby :)

  6. There have been some Reavers spawning actually Xnih

    1. I see there is new info in the files. After I eat dinner tonight I'll post what I know!

  7. yeah, killed a 55 and a 70 just a few minutes ago.
    They spawn @ relay towers.
    Rumor has it they drop Blueprints. but I haven't seen one yet.
    Only sank 2 fleets but still.

    1. Haven't seen them yet, but haven't been in game except to load new files.

    2. can't post a picture of the setup.

      70 has 2 big ones, (carrying sonar3) and 6 smaller ones. as you listed.
      55 has 1 big and 2 or 3 small ones haven't made a print of it yet.

    3. update: lvl 40 carries 3 little ships only.
      Balistic weapons shredders and seige cannon

    4. Sank a 70 and got the Unstable Core 3....same stats as the eng3 but 600 tons heavier...says it explodes when the ship is destroyed...better be nuclear or I can't see what its worth... the ones i fought exploded but didnt cause much dmg...


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