Tuesday, April 8, 2014

April 8 2014 update

Some of this may be on forums, I rarely end up there anymore, but here is the new stuff I see:

Retrofit lab

  • Baby Goliath (Rampart) 
  • Missile Cruiser 
  • Hellstrike 
Next Event:  Rip Tide led by Grimshire

Description:  This is our chance! Attack Warzones while your enemies clash, but beware - it's every Captian for himself! Succeed and you'll earn the new Berserker Hull. Equipped with Chaos Mortars, the Berserker gains power through damage, overloading its unstable core and laying waste to all opposition.

More to come I'm sure, but back to openssl fun for work.


  1. The hellstrike in the retro lab already?? Thats just stupid to me.....

  2. Thanks for the new info.

  3. damn HS going in retro already, cant wait lol

    1. If the vindicator can go into the Retrofit lab in March after being introduced in January 2014 raid then certainly the Hellstrike which was introduced in the December 2013 raid can be in the retrofit lab.

    2. i cant wait for it and its something to start saving for

    3. HS in retrolab means 2 things: 1) it's gonna be available in the April raid(yay) 2) it's gonna set a new record for Uranium required(booo).

    4. what about the inferno rockets....doesnt make sense to make this hull available without that weapon

    5. they made the thresher available without the meal5 and they also made MCX available without siege F so they can make it available with reaver rocket

    6. A Reaver mort? Kix is slipping.......they didn't get $$$ from a DNX refit yet.

  4. The Rampart in the Retrofit lab, that's gonna be awesome! Seeing as how the Goliath has it set of beef-ups, I wonder what they could do to the Rampart. Most likely it'll receive some sort of radioactive resistances as they're doing that sort of thing these days. And its likely to cost Uranium.... oh well. It'll still be cool.

    1. A weekly mission prize designed specifically for smaller players costing Uranium to retrofit would be seriously messed up. Surely Kixeye aren't that mean as to pull a stunt like that?

    2. Hah! Do not underestimate the Kixeye devs, they'll nutkick you to the moon and back if and when they please.

    3. The Vindicator was a Tier 4 hull, so in a sense, that was originally for lower players. It cost Uranium to refit.

    4. To date, it costs the most resources to retrofit. While it doesn't cost the most Uranium, from R4 to R5 is over 80k, and in total from R1>R5 is almost 147k Uranium.

      Hopefully, the Rampart will cost significantly less to upgrade. I won't be surprised if it costs more though...

  5. am happy that the mc is going in lol

    1. why mc is going to cost as much as mcx to retrofit and not be as good

  6. When will have SCX retrofit :(

  7. Good luck with the heartbleed fix! Same fun I had today.

  8. From BP Forum post that ultimately was aim at this thread here:
    "It's worth commenting that this thread is based entirely on information from an unofficial source, and should be taken with a grain of salt."

    I agree, 100% accurate and I also want to say, thanks for not just shutting down unofficial stuff any more kixeye.

    I really am waiting for them to leak info that doesn't come true one of these days! That or maybe when I'm bored and ready to give this all up, I'll just post total BS to see what happens :)


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